Greedy Grinch

In response to The Daily Post’s writing prompt: “All or Nothing?.”

Ive never really WANTED anything that was tangible. Something that I could hold in my hands. I may have had a christmas list but the things I always wanted most were in most times the things I could never have.  The things I often worry about on a daily basis are the things that I so casually wish for on a daily basis to change. And you may ask “well, what are those things?”.

Have you ever wanted to find the cure to a disease that a family member may have. That same disease that could take them away in a second? Have you ever wished that all the toxins in a person’s body would just disappear?

I have always wanted a yellow jeep but thats beside the point. Things i constantly wish for are things like the repeated addiction a family member has would just fall through the cracks and the glow of that person would one day just reappear without needle marks in the arm.

Wanting to see your parents get back together even though they still love each other so so much. But the government is actually the same people stopping them? Its those types of subtleties that I wish for but can never seem to get.

So you ask me is it better to ask for everything or ask for nothing. I don’t know. Asking for everything that in most cases cannot be obtained only sets you up to get disappointed when you dont get it. But asking for nothing only makes you look like you have lost all hope in anything getting better. So its  a lose lose situation that anyone would not want to be in.

Its unfortunate. My personality allows me to care for a million people and a million people are usually the ones who only care about themselves.

This world is stingy and greedy.

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